Is This Independence?

 Let's have a talk.

Independence day. Freedom from almost 300 years of British colonization. But, sitting there with a cup of coffee in my hand, I wonder, am I proud of my country? Now, one might think this question's meaning to be a sense of shame in my identity. That is not it. I am proud to be an Indian. But as a citizen of this country, I am concerned. Concerned of how things are being dealt. Concerned of how the next generation might be influenced. Let me explain.

As a country and its citizens, India and us Indians hide behind one word rather than face the change that approaches us. The word? "CULTURE". I will be the first person to admit that, yes, culture is important, but should that be the sole reason to push us back? It was CULTURE that prevented women from studying. It was CULTURE that burnt widowed women with their dead husbands. It was CULTURE that allowed a man to marry as many women as he pleased. It was CULTURE that decided that women shouldn't work. We have moved on from all of these issues. We threw away culture when it came to these matters. Yet why is it that we still blame a woman when she faces abuse? Is it her fault for wanting to go out with her friend, like men have done for centuries now? Is it her fault for wanting to dress as she likes, like men have done all their lives without a second thought? Is it her fault for wanting to rest in a seminar hall after a 36 hour long shift? Without a thought or a doubt, the answers to these questions would be NO. And yet, what does our government do? Issue rules and regulations for female staff to dress "properly", not stay in isolated places and other rules that I would just call (apologies for my unparliamentary language here) BULLSHIT. 

The saddest part is, I still see elderly women complain that it must be the girl's fault, who asked her to work night shift? She MUST have worn provocative clothes, why else would this happen? This is why girls should learn martial arts. Again, BULLSHIT. Can a woman not work at night then? Can she not dress as she pleases? Can she not live peacefully without learning self-defense. NO. She must be able to live on her own accord. There are also people who insist that its because of incidents like this that men must be taught consent. Do we really think men do not know what consent is? Try taking away something he likes without asking him. He will give you the etymology, definition and examples of consent. Its not because they do not know consent, it is because abusers do not respect women enough to care about consent. How much longer are we gonna put a band-aid on the fracture? It is high time we deal this issue as it is: a blood-curling crime. Rape is a  psychotic way of asserting dominance and control. Abuser's need to be superior tends to show in these cases. It all boils down to respect and equality.

So, as an Indian, I am concerned about the actions our government takes towards the heinous crimes happening right now. And this is the only way I can talk about my concerns. So, let's discuss. Are you happy to celebrate this independence day? Because I know I am not.

(P.S: To people who say "its not all men", you are the reason why I specified abusers and not generalize it with men. Thank you.)


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