We don't need your saving.

 Let's have a talk.

I was actually not going to talk anything about this because of how sensitive the matter is and I did not want to get anything wrong and spread wrong information by accident. But then, I saw a reel today that made my blood boil. I felt like I had to talk about this somewhere. So, today's entry will be a complete breakdown of one of the worst sides of Instagram I have witnessed. I took my cup of coffee (I needed the caffeine today) and got to analyzing.

I'm pretty sure everyone who is active on social media are aware of the "Alpha male" lifestyle reels that are going around that are actually famous among a lot of youngsters. The particular reel I saw today is by a man who is known among Tamil creators for his slow-motion walk after every single one of his stupid reels. I will not name drop because I do not want to give him any more attention. Now, this guy posted a reel today about the Kolkata rape case, and honestly, what a HYPOCRITE! This is a guy who thinks women should not roam around after 8 in the night. This is a guy who says "it's not all men" and also says "Its always a man". This is a guy who is a living contradiction. All of his content at this point is just to jump on the bandwagon of the "next trending topic". Now, I'm not saying this rape case is the next trending thing. But, if you are going to address something this sensitive, address it properly. His solution to ending rape is to teach guys to look at every woman like his mother. Can you see the stupidity? No? Let me show you. There are cases where guys have raped their mothers and sisters. So, no "Mr. I'm saving this generation", that is not the solution to this. Let's say that what he provided was the solution. Even then, will men resort not abuse just their family members? Is a woman being a human not reason enough to not abuse her? What kind of values are you sharing with your three million followers?

I'm sure people might think that social media is a platform where you can post anything that you think of. Yes, social media is that platform, but, when you have this much of a big platform where most of the people who follow your content are impressionable teenagers and young adults, you should be mindful of what you are posting. This man is also an open fan of Andrew Tate. Now, those who do not know, you are honestly doing great in life, but let me give you a small introduction to Mr. Tate. He is a bald white dude with a podcast who likes to talk shit about women. (Apologies for my language.) He thinks it is ok to cheat on your wife, but your wife should worship you. He thinks it is ok for men to have sex before marriage but a woman should be pure for him. And every other misogynistic bullshit you can think of, the whole package is with Mr. Tate. I usually distance myself from anyone who agrees with that sorry excuse of a man, because they are the ones who strongly believe that men are superior to women. In a world where women are trying hard to make it, in a world where men hold every advantage and privilege, they think men should fight for equal rights as well. 

I know this is not going to change anything. That guy is still going to post his stupid reels with his stupid slow-motion walks and sigma background music. But to anyone reading, think. Think before you pass comments about an issue. Think about the value it holds. Think about the content you are consuming. Think about your impact on the society. Think about your role in all of this. Because you have one. Every one of us have a role to play. And when you make choice, think twice about the harm it might cause others. So, let's discuss. Who is one social media influencer that you do not agree with?

(P.S: I had another topic in mind to discuss but I felt the need to write this. I am not going to shy away from topics like this anymore. There is more to follow up on this and I will do it soon. Thank you.) 


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