The cycle of life

 Let's have a talk.

As a HUGE Disney fan, I was really excited to know that there was a new movie coming up about Mufasa from The Lion King. And as someone who watches The Lion King once every two to three months, I was so happy to have a new story from that magical and wonderful world. So much so, I waited to get home so I can watch the trailer on my TV with the lights turned off, the surround speakers for the theatric experience, with a cup of coffee in my hand. 

I am really excited for the movie, but one particular line stuck with me that I cannot stop thinking about. In the trailer, Scar's mother (at least, I think she is scar's mother I am not really sure) tells Scar and Mufasa to find their place in the cycle of life. Now this is not something new to people who have seen Lion King. In the original movie, Mufasa tells Simba about the cycle of life as well. It is a recurring theme in The Lion King. And it makes sense for the movie. But, it got me thinking. Is it just for the movie? What about my place or your place in the cycle of life? I hope I am not the only one who has thought about this. So, what is the purpose of our existence? Why do we live? I often find myself plagued with these questions. Every time I feel unproductive, I find myself questioning everything about my role in life. 

I have seen people who are very clear about their purpose in life. They are those who usually have very strong set of beliefs. They have a clear track as to what they should do in their life. They have found their PURPOSE. But I also know there are people like me. People who do not believe in things that most people do.  People who question every thing you are told to believe. People who annoy their mother by asking why? why should I do that? why are we doing this? what is the reason for this? It is people like us who are still questioning our purpose in this huge world.

Now, have I found the answer? No. But every time I watch the Lion King, I find myself relaxing a bit. Simba's role in the cycle of life was pretty self-explanatory but his journey there is what makes the movie so memorable. And it is his journey that give me support every time. If not today, then one day, years later, I will also be brave enough to look up at the sky and remember. But until then, I should learn to enjoy every second I live. Live without regret. Because I might not believe in a creator, but I believe there is a reason for my life. And until I find out what it is, this life is mine to live, experience and enjoy. So, let's discuss. Do you have a question haunting you? 

(P.S: To people wondering, yes, The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie. The 1994 version, obviously. And yes, I will be going to the theatres to see Mufasa. Thank you.)


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