
Showing posts from August, 2024


 Have you ever felt stuck inside your own head? Not stuck in a thought, but you cannot take control of what you are doing? It's like you are a spirit wandering outside your body and just watching your soulless vessel walk away. It doesn't matter what you do next or who you talk to. It doesn't matter if you are not at a place you are supposed to be. No one is going to notice your absence anyways. It doesn't matter if you suddenly stop making the effort that kept that particular friendship hang on a thread. They are not gonna start making that effort or care anyways. You are too much. You are not enough. You are too complicated. You are too simple. You are funny when you are not supposed to be. You can't take a joke.  I get stuck in my head often. I think about all these things more than I probably should. It becomes worse when I cannot write. When I cannot let it out through the only outlet I know. These are thoughts that crept in my mind years ago and grew roots tha

Think before you watch.

 Let's have a talk. Today will be an extension of yesterday's topic. Staying with the media curve, let's talk about the other wave of media that took over us decades ago - Serials. I'm not talking about the short 2-3 seasons of Netflix series that everyone started watching during the pandemic. I am talking about 1000 episodes long "mega serials". Because if you think movie represents sensitive topics in a bad way, boy do I have bad news for you. Let's get to it. Serials started off as an entertainer for homemakers who had no sort of entertainment. And even these were available only to those rich enough to buy a television. But around the late 80s to early 90s, almost every house had a television, which blew up the popularity of serials. Now, unlike films, these serials had the need to be relatable to housewives and interesting. So, almost all of them focused on a family and the hardships that family faces. And more often than not, the story revolves around


Let's have a talk. So, I was watching a film yesterday, and even though it was my second time watching it, it was this time that I noticed something. People who watch Tamil films might understand what I am about to say. Some films focus on a particular area that people live and basically stereotype the people and the area there. Some of what happens in the movie might be for awareness and a lot of the movie is just for pure entertainment. But, in a society like ours, where movies cannot afford to be pure entertainers, these stereotypes cause more harm than people imagine. Let's dive into it, shall we? The movie I was watching yesterday was "Raayan". The film focuses on the relationship between siblings and a gang rivalry of sorts. Now, despite the mixed reviews, I really liked this film. But I can't help but imagine the stereotyping this film did too. Even though they never mentioned where in Chennai this was happening, everyone watching and those who know Chennai

Madras 360 and Me.

 Let's have a talk. Today's post is going to be a little different from the ones I usually write. Today, I went to Patrician College to participate in their Intercollegiate event - Madras 360. And I wanted to share my experience of being in that competition and everything that happened. This event happens every year as a way of celebrating Madras day, and this is the second time I am attending this event. I went there last year, and it was my first intercollegiate event ever. As someone fresh out of school and around all these older students who have had experience before, naturally, I was very nervous. My dad had dropped me off, and my hands were trembling a little bit. I had participated in events in school before and won but never with other schools or on a big scale like this. My senior encouraged me to do my best, but alas, it was an event I was not comfortable with - Spin a Yarn. For those who do not know, Spin a Yarn is a story-telling event. You will be given a prompt o

The atrocity of advertisements.

 Let's have a talk.  Last night, my dad and I were watching TV. We were watching YouTube and I'm sure everyone can sympathize with me when I say the unskippable ADs are the most frustrating things ever made. We were watching one such AD for an anti-dandruff shampoo. Now, when I say this AD pissed us off so much, I mean it. Not because it was unskippable, but because the way the AD was written. And thinking about it, I realized this is a similar pattern I have witnessed in a lot of ADs. So, with my coffee's companionship, I sat down to break it down and analyze. Now, This shampoo AD starts off with a guy asking the girl what's for lunch. As she takes out her lunch box, he exclaims, "AGAIN?!". Her immediate reaction to this is he noticed my dandruff. He continues, "the same lunch again?". Now this might seem like a perfectly normal AD but my concern is, why is this girl worried about her looks and dandruff when that guy says again? Do these AD director

What is love? Don't hurt me.

 Let's have a talk. Today's post was inspired by my parent's conversation. I know this is a very unusual topic to write about but it has always been a topic that made me curious. What makes a marriage work? I have seen marriages work and fail in my own family. What makes two people compatible? How do they lead their life together as 2 individuals and yet, work as a unit? Even as I am writing this, I look at my parents having a conversation and I cannot help thinking, how have they been happy as one for these 20 years? So, let's analyze, shall we? Before talking about my personal observations, I wanted to talk about something we discussed in our class. For British essays, we have been discussing Matthew Arnold's essay on John Keats and in that essay is a letter written by John Keats to the woman he loved, Fanny Braun. There was only 6-7 lines of that letter in that essay but our professor discussed that particular letter for 6-7 classes. Now, looking at that letter,

The biggest influence.

 Let's have a talk. As an 18 year old, one thing that has always peaked my interest is how different people can influence one's life. I think we can all unanimously agree that the people who influence your life the most are your parents. I have heard people talk about parents as if they can never make a mistake. But I have seen people who are the living proof to disprove that point. So, what is the role your parents play in your life? I tried thinking about this, and the points I gathered made me want, or rather need, my daily dose of caffeine. So, with a cup of coffee in my hand, as usual, I got to writing. Now, first I would like to talk about my personal experience. I am privileged to say that I lucked out in the parental department. My parents thought so much about mine and my sister's well-being that any problems in our family were never discussed with or anywhere near us. But that was only until a particular age. This space allowed me to question everything and form o

We don't need your saving.

 Let's have a talk. I was actually not going to talk anything about this because of how sensitive the matter is and I did not want to get anything wrong and spread wrong information by accident. But then, I saw a reel today that made my blood boil. I felt like I had to talk about this somewhere. So, today's entry will be a complete breakdown of one of the worst sides of Instagram I have witnessed. I took my cup of coffee (I needed the caffeine today) and got to analyzing. I'm pretty sure everyone who is active on social media are aware of the "Alpha male" lifestyle reels that are going around that are actually famous among a lot of youngsters. The particular reel I saw today is by a man who is known among Tamil creators for his slow-motion walk after every single one of his stupid reels. I will not name drop because I do not want to give him any more attention. Now, this guy posted a reel today about the Kolkata rape case, and honestly, what a HYPOCRITE! This is a

The age old debate.

 Let's have a talk. Those who know me, knows I am an avid reader. In fact, I've told my mom multiple times that my dream is the library from "Beauty & The Beast". As someone who reads for pure enjoyment and decided that I should work with books, there is always a huge debate in my mind. Should there be on-screen adaptations of book? They are both really different types of media and they are consumed in very different ways but, in a way, they are also really similar and connected in a way. So, with a cup of tea in my hand (as opposed to the usual coffee because caffeine is a real thing that affects me) I sat down to gather points. To tackle this, let us first talk about books. Now, I am biased when I say there is no other feeling like reading a book. The world that it takes you to is a very beautiful one. For me, reading books is special for another reason. It takes me back to the time my dad used to read stories to me. That was what got me into reading and the art

A little sneak peak into my brain.

 Let's have a talk. But first, let me present you with a scenario. We had a family gathering of sorts today. Our family is pretty close-knit and we tend to have these types of gatherings once in at least a month. Now, after a heavy lunch, all of us were gathered around the hall and talking. We were all laughing and talking, it was all in good fun. Tea time had arrived and my uncle was taking head count for tea. Now, I am very particular about my tea or coffee and, naturally, my mom took a dig at it. Now, it was all in good fun, but for some reason it touched something in me and I started getting emotional. A little context, I was what you call a "Cry-baby" when I was young. Now that I was getting emotional, everyone in my family started bringing up about how I cry for every little thing. Later, when I finally got my cup of coffee, I couldn't stop thinking about this incident. If I tell my friends about this, I'm pretty sure they will be shocked. Because to them, I

Should you kill a Mockingbird?

 Let's have a talk. I'm sure most people know that I am currently pursuing my bachelors degree in English language and literature and today we had our American literature internal exam. For this exam we had to read the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This is an American classic that has had movie adaptations as well. But while reading the book, I couldn't help but think about the novel's relevance today. With a cup of coffee in my hand, I started thinking. And this is was the conclusion of that thought. The book deals with heavy themes of racism and rape in the years 1933-36. Right after the American civil war. This was the time when slavery was just abolished but the black people in the fictional town in the story are still being treated like slaves and are being prejudiced over. The reason the book stands out to me is because of the narrator of the book, Scout. At the start of the novel, Scout is 6 years old and we travel with her thoughts and

The cycle of life

 Let's have a talk. As a HUGE Disney fan, I was really excited to know that there was a new movie coming up about Mufasa from The Lion King. And as someone who watches The Lion King once every two to three months, I was so happy to have a new story from that magical and wonderful world. So much so, I waited to get home so I can watch the trailer on my TV with the lights turned off, the surround speakers for the theatric experience, with a cup of coffee in my hand.  I am really excited for the movie, but one particular line stuck with me that I cannot stop thinking about. In the trailer, Scar's mother (at least, I think she is scar's mother I am not really sure) tells Scar and Mufasa to find their place in the cycle of life. Now this is not something new to people who have seen Lion King. In the original movie, Mufasa tells Simba about the cycle of life as well. It is a recurring theme in The Lion King. And it makes sense for the movie. But, it got me thinking. Is it just fo

Is This Independence?

 Let's have a talk. Independence day. Freedom from almost 300 years of British colonization. But, sitting there with a cup of coffee in my hand, I wonder, am I proud of my country? Now, one might think this question's meaning to be a sense of shame in my identity. That is not it. I am proud to be an Indian. But as a citizen of this country, I am concerned. Concerned of how things are being dealt. Concerned of how the next generation might be influenced. Let me explain. As a country and its citizens, India and us Indians hide behind one word rather than face the change that approaches us. The word? "CULTURE". I will be the first person to admit that, yes, culture is important, but should that be the sole reason to push us back? It was CULTURE that prevented women from studying. It was CULTURE that burnt widowed women with their dead husbands. It was CULTURE that allowed a man to marry as many women as he pleased. It was CULTURE that decided that women shouldn't wor